About Us
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About Us

Who we are and what you expect from us

ASGI Cameroon has emerged as the leading global education consultants in Cameroon. It took a lot of hard work, dedication, and absolute commitment to ethical and professional standards and practices, staff training and development and finally for assisting our students comprehensively.

Amongst our trusted students and parents, ASGI Cameroon have always acted as their study abroad gateway due the following;

Their staff understands and helps expand your thinking horizon. Advise impartially and without the commercial push. Never compromise your interest.

Help with every aspect starting from the application process, statement of purpose, essays, visas, accommodation, finances, travel plans, orientation or personal matters. Generally, they take away your headaches and the time needed to conclude the complex task of navigating admissions and follow through, to “getting the job done” each and every time.

Their members of staff are superbly trained and remain updated globally. They are professionally competent and manage to ensure smooth execution required for “getting the job done”. Consequently, we have become known as the “family consultants”.

The reputation we have across our trusted families-story list is that “ASGI Cameroon” are ahead of everyone; best trained and most caring staff, with a reputation for honesty and for constantly striving for the best.