Study in Canada and USA
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Study in Canada and USA


With thousands of academic programs, world-class institutions, and unmatched flexibility, the United States offers a wealth of higher-education opportunities that you will not find anywhere else in the world!

EducationUSA is a U.S. Department of State network of over 430 international student advising centers in 178 countries and territories. The network promotes U.S. higher education to students around the world by offering accurate, comprehensive, and current information about opportunities to study at accredited postsecondary institutions in the United States. EducationUSA also provides services to the U.S. higher education community to help institutional leaders meet their recruitment and campus internationalization goals. EducationUSA is your official source on U.S. higher education.

U.S. degrees have an excellent international reputation

It’s hardly a secret that top universities in the U.S. continue to maintain a strong presence among the best ranked education institutions in the world. Partially this has to do with how well-funded and supported American universities are, but it also has to do with the high academic standards and rigorous requirements that they instil in their students.

With their always-changing and evolving classrooms, these universities continue to attract students from all over the world, and are courageously working every year to change the education they deliver so that foreign students from all over the world are prepared to go back home and find wonderful careers opportunities.

American universities are bastions of cultural diversity

Nearly every university in the U.S. takes diversity to be one of their defining pillars. Historically, there has been a strong effort within the structure of these higher education institutions to increase the number of educational opportunities and make cultural diversity central to the enrollment and admission efforts.

Students often remark that their classes and dormitories are full of students from every nationality, religion, or ethnicity, and having access to and contact with so many cultural backgrounds makes the experience that much more thrilling.

If you go to a university in the U.S., you will feel immediately comfortable around people who share a similar background and who have new ideas and perspectives to share. Studying abroad, in general, is one way to nurture your tolerance and openness to other cultures; studying abroad in America adds another dimension, exposing you not only to the U.S. culture, but to the languages and beliefs of people from nationalities all over the world.

U.S. universities offer excellent support facilities

In an effort to make your transition to a U.S. university smoother, these institutions offer plenty of support to prepare international students for their classes. Through various workshops, English-language practice courses, orientations, and trainings, foreign students are given plenty of help to get them ready for their classes.

Moreover, there is some effort to allow international students the ability to stay in the U.S. after they graduate, so that they can attempt to pursue a wonderful career at some of the world’s biggest companies. In 2016, a massive effort was taken to allow graduates from STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) to stay for 24 months to get work experience and extend their stay.

With this opportunity, you have the chance to look for work in fields that are always seeking ambitious and hard-working students; and with this extension, you can stay in the U.S. to find your footing at some of the biggest companies.

There are extraordinary study opportunities all over the U.S. and they are available to students everywhere:

U.S. universities invest in optimised classroom experiences

As technology continues to innovate and change the way that information is delivered, university classrooms are trying to keep in step with the rapid acceleration of ideas. By giving students more access to web-based classes, utilising computer-based tests, and allowing students to use different labs and resources, universities are able to give you the latest and most modern classroom experience that you can imagine.

Check out the most high-tech universities in the U.S:

With these advanced capabilities and access to all kinds of resources, American universities keep the education up-to-date, with all of the gadgets and engaging virtual experiences that this generation of students is already accustomed to. If you study in the U.S.A, you will find yourself immediately introduced to new ways of studying, learning, researching, and taking tests.

American universities offer a flexible academic environment

Studying abroad in America provides an ideal environment for students, characterized by flexible methods of education and continuous development process for students in the various fields of studies.

Depending on your strengths, interests, and goals, U.S. universities deliberately shift their classroom structures and instruction methods to make learning engaging and, at the same time, relevant to your own domain.

U.S. colleges and universities are notoriously casual and relaxed. Students are under no obligation to show up to every single class, or to stay for an entire lecture. Now, just because you can avoid and skip classes, it doesn’t mean you should.


Top reasons to study in Canada

Canada consistently ranks as one of the best countries in the world—and is currently the #1 best country for quality of life[1]. Study in Canada, and you’ll receive an internationally recognized education from some of the top educators and academics in the world.

What are the benefits for international students studying in Canada? Many! Whether you choose to study in one of our large, vibrant cities or settle on a small campus in a warm, welcoming community, your experience will be one that will shape your life. It may lead to a career and a future in Canada, or better career prospects at home. At the very least, it will give you access to our four beautiful seasons, wide-open spaces, abundant wildlife, multicultural diversity, clean environment and incredible quality of life.

Discover the Canadian difference. International students are welcome to study in Canada.

Why choose Canada?

For decades, we’ve welcomed international students from around the globe. Through them, we’ve discovered there’s plenty to love about Canada. Here are some of the many benefits of making Canada your education destination:

You’ll learn with the best and brightest

Canada is recognized worldwide for our outstanding quality of education—from elementary school to post-secondary studies. Our educators are highly trained and bring diverse perspectives to the classroom. At the university level, 2 out of every 5 academics hold at least one international degree. And we have 11 of the top 250 universities worldwide. In our opinion, there’s no better place to learn! Need more convincing? Watch our student stories.

We’ll welcome you with open arms

We’re proud to say that the ‘warm and friendly’ stereotype about Canadians is true. When you come to Canada, you’ll find a welcoming country with a unique Canadian culture that embraces diversity. From urban centres to small towns, Canada is considered one of the safest countries in the world for international students.

Our quality of life ranks highest in the world

If you’re looking for the high life, we have it. Canadians and international students in Canada enjoy a high standard of living. It’s a great place to live and work. In fact, we rank #1 in the world when it comes to quality of life. According to the World University Rankings, we also have 5 of the top 100 best student cities in the world[3]. Now that’s something to write home about!

We’ll set you on the path to a promising future

We like to study too. In fact, we’ve researched graduate outcomes for our students—both domestic and international—for years. And you know what we’ve learned? Canadian college and university students graduate with a strong earning potential. That’s because we position them (and you) for a successful future and rewarding careers. In the last decade alone, Canada created 1.6 million new jobs for graduates[4].

The cost to study and live here is affordable

Canada is known for having some of the lowest university tuition fees among English-speaking countries[5]. Whatever your budget may be, you’ll find something just right for you in our diverse range of education options. Research the cost of post-secondary programs and living expenses in the city or town of your choice so you can prepare your budget.

We’ll offer you an experience like no other

Adventure awaits you in Canada! One of the greatest things about studying in Canada is the opportunity to experience a climate, culture and way of life that is beyond compare. From seeing the vibrant colours of our autumn leaves to the soft sounds of snowshoeing through the forest, each season and place has so much to offer. Come experience Canada and find out why there’s so much to love about us.

Canada is a land of endless possibilities. Each year, nearly 500,000 international students choose Canada as their study destination. Why study in Canada as an international student? The reasons are as plentiful as our vast open spaces, as diverse as our people, and as abundant as the opportunities available to those who live, work and study here.

When you study in Canada, you invest in your future. After all, a Canadian education opens the door to employment and business opportunities, and life in Canada after your studies. Canada’s university degrees and college diplomas are recognized worldwide, yet our tuition fees are among the lowest in English speaking countries. Canada’s vibrant research community is also a big draw.

As an international student in Canada, you’ll enjoy all the same freedoms which protect Canadians – respect for human rights, equality and a stable, peaceful society. You’ll feel safe, secure and welcome here.

Start here to plan your study abroad experience in Canada.

Though higher education in Canada is decentralized and falls under the jurisdiction of the country’s ten provinces and three territories, Canadian universities have a robust and comprehensive quality assurance system. Each Canadian university determines its own quality assurance standards and procedures, but it is also committed to a common framework of quality standards across all Canadian provinces. This means that Canadian universities have a shared understanding of the value of one another’s academic credentials and that their high quality standards are recognized internationally.

How Canadian Policy Welcomes International Students

Canada is one of the world’s leading study destinations for many reasons, not the least of which is its open and welcoming attitude toward international students. In January of 2014, the Canadian Minister of International Trade (at the time) released Canada’s International Education Strategy which, among other objectives, aims to double the number of international students and researchers in Canada. According to the strategy:

“International collaboration in higher education contributes to success on many levels—both domestically and globally. Inviting international students and researchers into Canada’s classrooms and laboratories helps create new jobs and opportunities for Canadians while addressing looming skills and labour shortages. Perhaps most importantly, international education fuels the people-to-people ties crucial to long-term success in an increasingly interconnected global economy.”’