Why study abroad?
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Why study abroad?

Why study in UK

A UK education open doors, wherever you go in the world. The UK is one of the world’s most popular destinations to higher education, with more than 500, 000 international students enrolling each year. UK universities are among the best in the world, and students get the opportunity to develop the skills, knowledge, critical thinking, and connections to drive forward their careers. UK Universities have a reputation for excellent research; provide innovative teaching approach and the leading minds who deliver it provide to students what they need to reach their potential. Undergraduate (3 years) and Postgraduate (1 year) are generally shorter than other countries, helping to reduce overall tuition fees and accommodation costs.

While studying in the UK, there will be endless number of ways for you to enjoy yourself, learn new things and make friends. The UK offers an amazing, unforgettable student experience like no other country. Graduates are among the most desirable in the world, with confident analytical thinking and excellent communications skills developed in the home of the English language. With the new UKVI Post Study Work/Study visa, UK will now attract a good number of international students than any other part of Europe.

Why study in Europe

The out flow of African students to Europe in recent times has been nothing short of staggering. There has been heightened interest of European Universities to Africa through increase in-country visits, recruitment of new agents and possibly the volatile geopolitical present status-quo of 24 EU countries. Though these countries are a dominant non-English Language destination, there is a borderless mix-and-match support for students taking English Degrees to reach their potentials. European Credit Transfer Systems – ECTS, facilitates student mobility within Europe and provides students with unforgettable skills, knowledge and experience with emphasis on innovation. One may say Europe is home to breath-taking landscapes and vibrant culture, which on its own enable students the right to freely move within the signatory countries of the Schengen Agreement.

ASGI Cameroon understands this shift in diversity and are aiming to help transforms students dreams to a reality with best-fit institution match. Recruit through our various platforms and expanded local connections. A list of our member institutions in Europe can be consulted here.

Why study in USA

U.S. offers an overwhelming wealth of higher-education opportunities, excellent international reputation and unmatched flexibility ranging from bastions of cultural diversity, excellent support facilities, optimized classroom experiences and a strong presence among the best-ranked universities in the world. Studying abroad in America provides an ideal environment for international students. Depending on your strengths, interests and goals, you will find yourself immediately introduced to new ways of studying to make learning engaging and, at the same time, relevant to your own domain. The wide range of opportunities offered to international students drive more enrolments each year and according to the 2019 Open Doors Report on International Education Exchange, a total number of One Million and Ninety Five Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety Nine international students enrolled at US Universities in 2018.

In 2016, graduates from STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) are allowed to extend their stay for 24 months to get work experience in fields that are always seeking ambitious and hardworking students. The U.S. pride themselves to be at the forefront of innovative technology. Apart from U.S. universities being affordable to international students, students are also open to various bursaries, fee waivers, and scholarships to help them financially.

Why Study in Canada

Canada host 500.000 plus international students each year from around the globe. No matter your budget, as an international student you shall always find an institution to fit yourself. Canada education is decentralized, and each of the ten provinces and three territories determines their quality assurance standards and procedures with a robust and comprehensive French and English system ranging from elementary school to post-secondary, co-op, to research degrees.

A Canadian education opens the door to employment and business opportunities during your time in Canada and life beyond. While in Canada international students enjoy same respect for human rights, feel safe while studying in a clean environment and incredible quality of life. Students are also allowed to take up part time work and may be eligible to apply for Post Graduate Work Permit. At the least international students may be eligible for Permanent Residence.  International students invest in their future, and while doing so; think of value for their money, high quality standards, and recognized international degrees. Welcome to Canada one the best countries in the world.