Study in Europe
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Study in Europe

Did you know that over 1.4 million students from around the world came to Europe in 2012 for their higher education and the numbers are growing every year. With 1000s of world-class universities, research centres and higher education institutions, Europe is the place to be.

Here are 8 good reasons to choose Europe for your higher education:

  1. Careers: Shape your future

Want to get ahead in your career? Many employers worldwide actively seek or value an international study experience when recruiting. By studying here, you will gain the skills, knowledge and experience that employers value. With strong international business, creative and research sectors, Europe is a great place to build your career.

  1. World-class education: Reach your full potential

World-leading universities, top facilities and inspirational teaching. in Europe, you’re at the centre of an international community with a passion for learning. What makes European universities so strong is the emphasis on creativity, innovation and support – helping you to reach your true potential.

  1. Languages: Learn in English or another leading global business language

There are 24 official languages in the European Union, but did you know that most countries across Europe offer study programmes in English too? You’ll also find programmes taught in other leading global business languages such as Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic and more.

  1. Support and friendship: Feel at home

Europe is a welcoming, friendly place for students from all around the world. Europe’s universities and colleges offer support and social activities to help you feel at home and happy. Europe is also a great place to live: 7 of the world’s 10 happiest countries are here!

  1. Cultural experience: Have a unique adventure

Studying in Europe is not just about lectures and libraries, it is also a once-in-a-lifetime chance to discover new countries and to discover yourself too! From the snowy north to the sun-soaked south, across Europe you will find breath-takingly beautiful landscapes, buzzing cities and vibrant cultures waiting for you.

  1. Scholarships and costs: Get value for money

European countries invest in their higher education systems to help make education affordable for students, whilst maintaining high quality standards. Across Europe, tuition fees and living costs compare very well to other study destinations. In fact, in some European countries, study programmes are free of charge! There are lots of scholarships and financial support options available too.

  1. Diversity: Study the way you want

The beauty of Europe is that it offers so much choice. With world-class universities, higher education institutions and research institutes, offering 100,000s of Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree and PhD/Doctoral programmes, plus short-term study opportunities, you can choose the experience that suits you.

  1. Pioneering research: Be the best

Are you an ambitious researcher looking to boost your career? Europe offers you great opportunities. There were 1.58 million full time equivalent researchers in the EU-27 in 2009. Over the next decade, the European Union is actively looking to attract an additional 1 million researchers! Find out more about research jobs, funding and opportunitiesin Europe.

  1. Top quality German universities offer excellent teaching and research, ranking among the best in the world. You will earn an internationally renowned degree, giving you excellent prospects on the global labour market.
  2. Diversity The range of courses offered at German universities is immense and gives you the opportunity to choose whatever area of study you want to focus on. A huge array of international programmes and inter-disciplinary degree programmes allows you to specialize. Discover the beauty and diversity Germany has to offer! When you take time off from your studies, there are 1001 ways of finding out more about your host country. For example, you can go to a museum, a cinema or a theatre, you can sit in a beer garden, you can go for a walk on a beach, you can swim in a lake, climb a mountain or visit an old castle.
  3. Geared to practice German universities provide outstanding academic programmes, while universities of applied sciences offer a range of attractive, practice-oriented options. A lot of universities collaborate with companies. Many study programmes combine theory and practice. This will greatly facilitate your career start.
  4. Potential unlocked In Germany, you can make the most of yourself. Here you can develop your intellectual abilities and personal skills freely and reach your full potential. If you are out to achieve great things, you will find determination, motivation and commitment open many doors – both during your studies and after your studies.
  5. Safe country In comparison with other countries, Germany is a safe country. In town or in the countryside, by day or by night, you can move around freely here. Germany offers economic and political stability, which makes it an ideal place for you to study.

Why Study in Spain?

Every year thousands of students from across the world make their way to Spain to attend one of the 74 universities located in the country. They come to the country for many reasons, all understanding that studying in the country is a truly enlightening experience that leaves you filled with new attitudes and concepts about life. Spain is rich in history and culture, and provides the total package for anyone coming to the area from international lands. Here we will examine some of the many reasons that people choose Spain as their education destination. Perhaps you share a few of these common desires.

A Great Educational System

Spain has a great opportunity to learn no matter what your major might be and no matter which college you have selected for your studies. The educational system is well organized and properly executed, designed to provide students of all levels with the utmost of learning opportunities. Spain is the third most popular country for international studies with around 36% of those people from the USA.  When you study in Spain you can be confident that you will be provided with the best possible education for your time.

Experience the Country

When you think of Spain you probably think of Madrid and Barcelona. While these two cities are beautiful and certainly hot tourist attractions, Spain has so much more to offer the visitor that these two cities. The beautiful countryside of Spain is marvelous and you are certain to enjoy being able to see miles and miles of lush trees and greeneries. Travel to another area of the country and you’ll find yourself amidst the most beautiful coastline you will ever see. Spain has it all, and as a student there will be plenty of time for you to travel and explore and see all of these amazing things.

Have Fun

No matter where you are at in Spain there is always plenty for you to see and do. And, with Paris and London nearby, a great day trip is always something that can easily be planned. Art galleries, museums, clubs, bars and pubs, parks and nature –you name it, you can find it available to entertain your time in Spain. When you’re not busy in class or completing homework you can get out and enjoy so much of the adventure that Spain has to offer. It is then that your time in Spain can be considered time well spent.

Learn a New Language

It may not be your intended reason for coming to Spain, however there isn’t a question that you will learn a great deal of the Spanish language while you are studying, and a beautiful language it is! Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language in the world, just behind English. Imagine how fun it will be to learn a new language…and there is no better way to learn that language than while you are among those who speak it frequently. As you attend university in Spain you will be around those speaking the language so before you know it you will also be speaking it naturally.

Affordable Costs of Living

The costs of living in Spain are very affordable when compared to other countries in Europe. This is always important, especially to a college student already strapped for cash. No matter where you live in Spain you can make it an affordable venture but when you are careful in your selections you can ensure this even more so.

Wonderful Climate

Spain has four seasons, with each of those seasons providing delightful weather. The average temperature in the winter is 59 degrees, a most comfortable and enjoyable temperature. In the summer the average temperature is 70 degrees, also pleasant. The climate in which you will be treated to while in Spain will slightly differ depending upon your location in the country.

Affordable Tuition Rates

In addition to affordable costs of living, attending school in Spain enables you to attain an affordable tuition rate at any of the wonderful higher learning institutes in the country. Tuition at some colleges cost as little as 5,500 Euros per semester while others cost upwards of 12,000 Euros per semester, still far less than colleges and universities in other European countries, as well as the U.S.

Laid Back Atmosphere

Of course Madrid and Barcelona are thriving, busy and popular tourists spots, but even still these cities, as well as most others in Spain, enjoy a  comfortable, laid back atmosphere.  The country is peaceful and friendly, and you are likely to make new friends with most everyone that you meet.

These are certainly great reasons that you should study in Spain, but please know these are just the beginning of the many great things that you will love about studying in the country.

Wide range of English programmes

Dutch universities offer the largest number of English-taught programmes in continental Europe. More than 2,100 programmes are taught entirely in English. Also, 95% of the Dutch speak English, so it’s easy to communicate in daily life.

Good value for your money

The quality of Dutch higher education is well-recognised. The tuition fees and cost of living are considerably lower than in English-speaking countries. Also, there are lots of scholarship opportunities. The Dutch teaching style is interactive and student-centred. You will develop valuable skills such as analysing, solving practical problems and creative thinking.

Big international community

Holland’s many international students come from more than 160 different countries. Dutch societyis diverse and inclusive. It is strongly connected to other cultures, the business community and the world. The Dutch are open-minded and direct, so it is easy to meet them and exchange ideas.

Great place to live

Holland is one of the safest countries in the world, according to the 2018 Global Peace index and belongs to the top 10 happiest countries in the world. Read more about the good Dutch standard of living in the OECD’s Better Life Index. Holland has a rich history with historic cities and the highest museum density in the world.  Also, Holland is the gateway to Europe! In just three hours you can be in Paris. Londo n and Berlin are just a five or six hour train ride away.

Excellent career opportunities

Holland is the 18th largest economy in the world. Some of the world’s biggest multinationals, including Philips, Heineken, KLM, Shell, ING and Unilever, are Dutch. Holland is a world leader in many areas of expertise, including agriculture, water management, art & design, logistics and sustainable energy. The Dutch government wants to attract knowledge and retain talent. International graduates can therefore apply for an orientation year. This is a residence permit of one year to find a job, or start a business within three years of graduation. Join our Holland Alumni networkto increase your chances on the job market.

10 Reasons to Study in Turkey


Turkey is the second country in the world in access to higher education with 94.2% schooling rate. Turkey involved in European Higher Education Area is implementing the Bologna Process in a perfect way; our Bologna report is 5 out of 5. So, the diploma you receive from a university in Turkey is recognized in all European countries! As course credit system, ECTS is applied in accordance with Europe and all students are given Diploma Supplement. In addition, Turkey is one of the most successful countries participating in the exchange programs under Erasmus +. In addition to Erasmus, there are many exchange programs in Turkey, such as Mevlana, Farabi, which support the mobility of students and lecturers.

  1. University And Program Diversity

There are 206 universities in Turkey with a population of 82 Million. The number of students is close to 8 million. With this number of students, Turkey is the first country with the most students in European Higher Education Area. There are a total of 58,092 different programs at 206 universities. In such a variety, you will definitely find a university and program for yourself.

  1. Multicultural Life

Turkey, which has hosted many deep-rooted civilizations in its territory for thousands of years, is almost a mosaic of cultures! In this country where countless civilizations have been hosted, everyone is tolerant and respectful to each other. Turkey, where you can find a piece of your roots and perhaps can meet people who speak your language is ideal for students with its safe and peaceful environment.

  1. Natural Beauties

Turkey, which experiences four seasons, has a reputation for its natural beauties all over the world. You can enjoy swimming and water sports in the seas that surround Turkey, you can ski in many cities in the mountains, you can enjoy rafting in the rivers and experience many extreme sports. You will feel as in the heaven in Turkey where countless beauties which shall only fascinate you with their landscape!

  1. Historical and Cultural Heritage

Based on a long history, there are thousands of historical and cultural monuments in Turkey, many of which are protected as UNESCO Cultural Heritage. Even in your daily life, you will want to keep track of the traces you may encounter frequently!

  1. Student Friendly

With at least one university in every city, Turkey is exactly a student-friendly country! Social clubs, sports teams and cultural events at every university bring together students and  make distant geographies close. When you arrive in Turkey you will understand that the most active points of the city are the places where students socialize! Thanks to the cafes, restaurants and libraries where the students hang out, the cities live 24 hours a day.

  1. Hospitable Turkish People

The hospitality of Turkish people has been legendary all over the world! As a student, if you ask for help, people will do their utmost with all sincerity and friendliness. Turks will welcome you as guests and have many treats to satisfy you. Be sure you won’t be miss your home here!

  1. Modern Technological Campuses  

No matter which one of the 206 universities you go, you will experience a modern and convenient campus life, equipped with the latest technology.

  1. Easy Living Conditions 

Life in Turkey is more affordable than most countries. You can meet your needs, such as accommodation, food and drink, and entertainment at affordable prices. You can stay at the dormitories within or near the University campuses, or rent a house for a reasonable lease. In addition, whichever transportation you choose as a student, you will receive a ticket at a discounted price, or watch the movie in the cinema at cheaper.

Turkey is also an easy to reach country because it is in the middle Asia and Europe continents. Whichever way you choose to discover Turkey, which hosts countless places of attraction, you can arrive where you want quickly and comfortably.

  1. Turkish Learning Opportunities

Several programs in Universities in Turkey are in English. Besides you can also learn Turkish, the 5th most spoken language in the world! You can get a chance to learn a new language in Turkish courses that your University will offer you, and you can be friends with people from many different cultures.

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

  • Quality education at international standards in English.
  • Internationally recognized undergraduate and graduate programs.
  • Education in line with the American Credit System.
  • Qualified faculty members at international standards.
  • On-campus education with a wide range of facilities.
  • Affordable tuition fees and moderate living expenses.
  • Excellent facilities for social, cultural and sports activities.
  • Medical insurance, provided by the government of North Cyprus.
  • Transport, shops and entertainment are close at hand.
  • Accommodation on campus and around the city.

Times Higher Education has recently published its latest ranking list, the Emerging Economies University list, which evaluates institutions on their teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. The new 2020 ranking includes eight Hungarian universities, among which the best results were achieved by Semmelweis University and also includes the Szent István University for the first time.

Stipendium Hungaricum doctoral students host an exhibition in frames of the Parallel Hungary project of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. The mission of the exhibition is to start a discussion about interpreting and understanding each other’s cultural backgrounds in a playful way. The exhibition opened on 30 January and can be visited until 18 February in the Aula of the University.

A  video about the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) has recently confirmed that Hungarian competitors are among the top four countries on the world-famous ranking since 1959. The ranking system is based on the total number of gold medals collected from the very first Olympiad.

Are you thinking about studying abroad? Our international students tell you why Hungary is the best choice for you!

Each year thousands of international students apply and start their higher education studies in Hungary. If you are interested in bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral programmes, 65 Hungarian universities offer excellent opportunities for you. Be part of the Study in Hungary experience!

Higher Education in Hungary

Education system

Hungarian higher education has been representing academic excellence for more than 650 years. The first university was founded in 1367 in Pécs, the Southern region of Hungary. Today, there are 65 higher education institutions in Hungary, ranging from minor universities of applied sciences to top research universities.

There are 28 statefunded, 11 privately-funded and 26 church-funded institutions to choose from. As a result of our institutions’ internationalisation process all students can find what fits their interests the best: institutions offer more than 500 courses in English, German, French and other languages. The foreign language programmes are of a high standard and tuition fees are very favourable when compared to its competitors.

The range of study fields students can choose from is wide:

  • Agricultural Science
  • Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Legal Science
  • Economic Science
  • Medical and Health Science
  • Arts, Arts and Humanities, Arts Education
  • Engineering Science
  • Social Science
  • Teacher Training
  • Sport Science
  • Natural Science

The largest institutions offer courses in all study fields while smaller institutions have programmes in a few specific areas. Students can earn double degrees at many universities through joint degree programmes in which the Hungarian university works together with another European higher education institution. In case of applying for these programmes students enrol in both universities and obtain a double degree from both institutions.

Higher education studies are offered at two types of higher education institutions, egyetem (university) and főiskola (college), both of them may offer courses in all three training cycles: Bachelor course, Master course and Doctoral course.

Although the degree structure is divided in most courses, there are some integrated (one-tier) programmes where the Bachelor level and the Master level is unified: veterinary medicine, architecture, dentistry, pharmaceutics, law and medicine. These one-tier programmes consist of 10-12 semesters (5-6 years) and by the end of the last year you must have 300 to 360 credits completed.

Within a Doctoral programme, you need to complete 240 credits within 4 years of study. At the end of the fourth semester, a final examination must be taken. After a successful examination, the last 2 years of the doctoral programme are about conducting the research and writing your dissertation, which can be extended with one more year.

The Study.EU Country Ranking 2018 for International Students

Last update: 19 February 2018

Studying abroad is a goal of many students: An adventure that educates well beyond what is taught in the classroom. But many are unsure which destinations are a good choice for them. In this year’s edition of the Study.EU Country Ranking, we look once more at 30 European countries and examine how attractive they are to international students.

Germany remains #1 before UK; France claims 3rd rank

The overall ranking consists of three separate pillars with differing weights: Education (45%), measuring the quality of education; Cost (30%), assessing what students should expect to pay for living and tuition; and Life & Career (25%), evaluating the quality of life and the chances of staying and working in the country after graduation. We explore each of these pillars in the following sections.

Germany keeps the top spot: Its unbeatable combination of world-class universities and a tuition-free public university system make the country the first choice for many students.

The UK comes in 2nd again. It takes the top spot for “Education”, and for “Life & Career” – but ranks 30th for “Cost” with high living expenses and prohibitively high tuition fees. The looming Brexit may have adverse effects on the country’s ranking in the coming years.
France moves up a rank, now 3rd before the Netherlands. Similar to Germany, France allures foreign students with a highly reputed, yet affordable higher education system.

Poland is the only new entrant into this year’s top 10. Already among last year’s most affordable countries, Polish universities have consistently increased the availability of English-taught study options. No wonder, then, that the number of foreign students in Poland has exploded from just 12,000 to over 65,000 in the past ten years.

Our analysis includes a total of 30 countries. We report the detailed scores for the top 15 overall and the top 10 in each category. Beyond that, many of the underlying metrics tend to become less meaningful, making distinct conclusions difficult.

Education: Top 10

Quality of education is the key factor in our ranking, making up 45% of the total score. To assess the quality of higher education in each of the 30 countries, we first look at their performance in the top 800 of three established global university rankings (QS, THE, and ARWU). Here, the United Kingdom outshines all other countries.

To alleviate an inherent research bias in these rankings, we separate indicators of teaching quality as reported by the QS and THE rankings, effectively re-weighting these ranking factors (primarily staff-to-student ratios and the results of academic reputation surveys). The top countries here are Switzerland, the Netherlands and Germany.

As a third factor, we look at the number of English-taught Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in each country. Maximum points are given for 2,000 reported study programmes, only exceeded by the UK and Ireland; although the Netherlands comes close with around 1,600.

The separate factors are weighted as follows:

40% Performance in university rankings
40% Indicators of teaching quality
20% Number of Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes taught in English

Cost: Top 10

The affordability of a study option is a main consideration of most students, and very few are lucky enough to enjoy full scholarships. Therefore, cost is a highly relevant factor in our ranking, accounting for 30% of the total score. We take a combined look at the cost of living, including rent, and the average tuition fees.

Looking at the top 10 most affordable countries, the annual cost ranges from around 7,000 EUR in Poland to around 10,000 EUR in Latvia.

Not much has changed among the most affordable countries when compared to last year. Other than Poland, Germany is the only country of the overall top 10 to score high here – thanks to its virtually tuition-free public university system and moderate cost of living. France, another country with many free study options, and ranked 10th in 2017, barely missed the top 10 this year by a handful of euros.

The very last rank in this section is claimed by the United Kingdom: On average, students should expect costs of around 23,000 EUR per year. This amount is lower than in 2017: The British pound has shed some of its value in anticipation of the country leaving the European Union.

Our “Cost” assessment can only give rough guidance, as it works with averages on a national level, and there are significant outliers for individual cases. A year studying for an MBA in London will inevitably be much more expensive than, say, an Anthropology degree in Cardiff.

Life & Career: Top 10

Studying abroad offers a wealth of life experience beyond the classroom. Most students that go abroad for their degrees plan to return home after graduation. Others choose their destination with the hope of staying and working in that country after university.

Reflecting requirements of both those groups, the score for “Life & Career” accounts for 25% of the total. In this dimension, we estimate the quality of life with indicators relevant to all students, as well as metrics that help judge the job market’s permeability for foreign graduates.

In 2018, we now include a score for personal safety in the ranking. Students, especially from outside Europe, are increasingly concerned with the safety situation in their host countries. Working with data from the Social Progress Index, this metric includes, for example, a country’s homicide rate, other violent crimes and incidences of political terror. Students coming to Europe rarely have to worry: Almost all countries in the sample are very safe in comparison to other parts of the world.

The factors are weighted as follows:

20% English proficiency among the population
25% UN World Happiness Index
25% Unemployment rate for the tertiary educated
30% Personal safety (new in 2018)

The full ranking: All 30 countries

Rank Country Score (out of 100)
1 Germany 80.7
2 United Kingdom 75.8
3 France 68.6
4 Netherlands 67.9
5 Russia 62.6
6 Switzerland 62.2
7 Sweden 61.3
8 Belgium 60.4
9 Italy 60.2
10 Poland 60.1
11 Austria 60.0
12 Ireland 58.9
13 Spain 58.7
14 Norway 58.2
15 Finland 56.9
Czech Republic

Fore more information and material, please also refer to the press release.

HECA Code of Conduct for Individual Consultants

HECA members shall:

  • Act professionally, responsibly, and ethically in all relationships with students, families, high schools, college admission personnel, and colleagues.
  • Recognize the importance of confidentiality in performing their work.
  • Act with integrity, respect, courtesy and thoughtfulness in all transactions.

Recognizing there are specific issues that are common to education consultants in the conduct of their practice, the following Statements serve to guide HECA members in interpreting and applying the HECA Statement of Standards and Ethics:

In the conduct of their practice, HECA members shall:*

  • Represent and promote their services with accuracy and honesty.
  • Not accept any reward, service, or remuneration from any college, university, agency, or organization for placement, referral, or recruitment of students. This does not apply to gifts of nominal value that in no way obligate the recipient.
  • Comply with all laws and regulations regarding students’ rights to privacy with particular attention to regulations in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, FERPA.
  • Respect all student information (including transcript, test scores, financial resources, institutional preferences) as confidential.
  • Secure permission from the student and/or family before revealing any information about students or their admission process, including but not limited to decisions and/or scholarship and financial aid awards.
  • Not make any written or verbal guarantee of college admission or placement, or guarantees of financial aid or scholarship awards.
  • Not make disparaging statements about postsecondary institutions.
  • Not make unethical or unprofessional requests of, nor make disparaging statements about, school-based counselors, college admissions representatives, or other independent education consultants.
  • Not advocate to colleges or universities on behalf of students, unless expressly invited to do so by the college.
  • With written student and/or family permission, a HECA member may confer with high school counselors, college representatives and related professionals on matters related to college admissions and financial aid.
  • Counsel students to meet all application requirements and deadlines.
  • Counsel students to respect the college planning and application policies and requirements of his/her high school.
  • Caution and advise students to use internet resources with maturity and discretion.
  • Be encouraged to actively engage in pro bono work and to volunteer in education-related professional and community organizations.

Further, in their work with students HECA members strive to:*

  • Approach and conduct the college planning and application process in an ethical, conscientious, and responsible manner.
  • Introduce a range of post-secondary opportunities and programs to students and their families while recognizing decisions are made by the student and/or family. Encourage students and families to conduct thorough research of the academic and co-curricular programs, selection process, and other distinguishing features, of colleges and universities.
  • Assist students to develop a list of colleges that are a “good-fit” – a list that is balanced, realistic, and reasonable in number.
  • Provide information about scholarships and the financial aid application process.
  • Encourage students to utilize the resources of their high school, the high school counselors, and advisors.
  • Provide advice that is consistent with the policies and procedures set forth by the student’s high school regarding enrollment in rigorous or higher level courses.
  • Advise students on the types and uses of standardized admission tests and not suggest special educational testing for the sole purpose of securing extended testing time.
  • Advise students to be the sole author of their application and essays and counsel against inappropriate assistance from others – however well meaning. HECA members may provide general guidance, direction and review of the application, as needed, to minimize unintentional errors and omissions.
  • Assist students in approaching the college admission and decision-making process in an organized manner.
  • Advise students to report changes in the academic record or personal conduct once an application is submitted.
  • Advise students to notify colleges in a timely manner of their intent to withdraw an application, accept or decline offers of admission and to deposit at only one school.
  • Advise students who choose to defer admission that they should follow all conditions as outlined by the deferring college.
  • How to maintain integrity as an education agent
  • “With each client there is more learning, as no two cases are exactly the same”
  • You don’t have to look far to find criticism of education agents in the field of international student recruitment.  From headlines condemning onshore student ‘poaching’ to accusations of application fraud, it’s harder to find praise for the role they play in helping students make one of the most important decisions of their lives. Maintaining integrity is essential for this controversial profession. Dharmendra Patel, managing director of the Aussizz Group, explains some of the key principles education agents must abide by. 
  • “Being an advisor who helps prospective students meet their future possibilities means having important responsibilities”
  • In the past not many people had access to study or work opportunities in different countries. But times have changed, and for the better. Countries like the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, and a few mainland European countries have emerged as leaders that offer education and jobs highly desirable to today’s prospective international students. It is not merely that they pay the top dollar, but they provide a chance to nurture one’s talents and grow to be a contributor. Apart from better-paying jobs, and renowned degree, it is the overall experience one can have which is ever more captivating.
  • Education agents are often responsible for introducing people to these opportunities. Being an advisor who helps prospective students meet their future possibilities means having important responsibilities. Their role is a diverse one, and the overseas consultant significantly impacts the life of a person who comes to them for proper guidance about the crucial decision of studying abroad.
  • In most cases, to better understand the client’s perspective and provide the best solution, all dealings happen face to face. With each client there is more learning, as no two cases are exactly the same.
  • Due to the important role agents play in their clients’ lives, preserving truthfulness and being upright with the people seeking advice is vital. There are certain practices that a consultant can observe to maintain the integrity in the entire process.
  • So, every time an agent deals with a prospective client, the agent must keep the following in mind:
  • Integrity: A client’s profile must be assessed without prejudice. Also, the smallest of details needs double-checking, to establish the veracity of the client’s documents. A true understanding of the client’s situation must be made in the first few meetings.
  • Honesty: The client must be made aware of issues related to migrating to another country for overseas study. Also, a client should be updated about any recent changes that might affect their application.
  • Professionalism: One of the prime responsibilities of an education agent is to make their client aware of all the laws that apply to their application in the first place.
  • Academic assistance: The agent must assist with the client’s university/college admission application and make the student aware of the admission criteria.
  • Objectivity: The client must be given start-to-finish information related to the entire process. It not only helps the client trust the consultant and be patient at each step of the application, but also aids the consultant to resolve any conflict or address any queries from the client’s end.
  • Transparency: The consultant must inform the client about the status of the application at every stage and carry out any communication with the client in an honest and clear manner.
  • Competency: The consultant must remain updated about any changes to the legislation.
  • Not many students know the various ways in which migration and education consultants may be able to assist them. However, in many cases, the clients rely on the expertise and experience of the consultants. It is imperative to handle all the queries of a probable applicant with sheer diligence and deal with them patiently. As previously mentioned, it is a higher responsibility as it involves a good amount of valuable time, money, and effort on both the sides.
  • In the end, it is always the person grabbing the opportunity who is going to experience studying overseas. But good advice can go a long way in bettering their experience, and an education consultant has the potential to help ensure the clients’ experience is enhanced.
  • The responsibilities are diverse and thus, it is of utmost importance that an immigration and education consultant be truthful and provide start to finish services with full conviction.