Our Services
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Our Services

Educational Promotion:

We offer a well-defined marketing plan with member institution through seminars, exhibitions and recruitment activities. Through the above, we communicate the needs and visions of our customers in a well managed and quality assured manner for the realization of the full scope of our marketing objectives.


We create the opportunity to Cameroonian students to ensure that they chose and plan their career needs wisely and implement decisions about their future in a well-planned manner to ensure output value of their time and parents investment.


In all levels and aspects of education, planning is the most important factor for education and career development. We therefore help both our members and students to plan in good time to identify long-term issues and to assess their impact on the future goals.


Through our offices in Cameroon, students are equipped to cope with changes to acquire the correct skills and knowledge, develop a positive attitude that creates individual and collective commitment to standards of perfection and excellence.

Services to Students:

Through our different offices, which are fully equipped with the latest technology, offers broad range of services under one roof. We make sure that utmost care is given to each and every student who visits us. We offer a comprehensive service for our members to these students. We introduce courses offered by member institutions to students. We put prospective students through admissions and enrolment procedures of members. We counsel prospective students and their parents on cost and country living standards.

  • Advise prospective students for the selection of courses suitable to their skills and abilities and academic qualifications and work experience
  • Advise for the selection of the country of destination
  • Prepare students for visa by giving them English language improvement and IELTS preparatory classes
  • Assistance in all visa procedures and ensuring that prospective students submit the right documents for their admissions and visa applications
  • We provide full visa briefing and processing services to all prospective students, provided that these students are genuine and has the correct documents to apply for their visa
  • Guidance for discounted ticketing and airline booking, and arranging paid airport pick up, accommodation and travel
  • All pre and post departure arrangements
  • Advice on insurance from the leading UK student insurance provider
  • All prospective students are provided with sufficient free of cost information, materials such as prospectuses, CD’s, application forms and accommodation information
  • After care services which will continue as long as you are studying abroad.
  • We offer the most comprehensive and caring service of any Cameroon’s agency and so we are the most successful.